Outcomes – Ten Priority Areas For Action

This site summarises the original 2011 Australian Theatre Forum website and is included here for archival purposes.

The delegates of the Australian Theatre Forum 2011 commit to and call on individuals, organisations and agencies involved in theatre in Australia to commit to:

=> Strengthening Young People and Theatre

Increasing the scope of theatre and young people, particularly on main stages; increasing access to theatre for young people; embedding non-assessed arts experiences in National Curriculum and sharing best practice engagement with young people as decision makers.

=> Embracing Environmental Sustainability

Venues to develop environmental strategies; companies to adopt ‘green ticket’ strategies – free or cheap for audiences who walk, ride or use public transport (and promote in program and PR); artists to ask for green tickets in contract negotiation; more workshops for sharing Green Plans; Theatre Network Australia website to share information, successes, case studies; lobby educational institutions; idea for a national survey show of green work.

=> Better and More Efficient Managing

Request a status report on inter-governmental reporting framework “Road to Harmony” to streamline reporting requirements; set up a skills sharing network to share information-“Go Meet”; develop case studies of best practice administration and producing hubs; develop a Who’s Who of independent producers (Independent Producers Association); invite “innovator experts” to advise on better arts business practice; development of, and lobbying for professional best practice standards that include superannuation, long service, leave, theatre-specific work cover.

=> Taking up Digital + NBN Opportunities

Continue to create digital tools to support production process and creative collaboration; create a closed Ning (online shared space) platform for sector to share knowledge and information; call for R&D into available applications to improve remote collaboration; share copyright + IP clauses for contracts involving digital work; promote case studies of previous digital broadcasts of live works – best practice + pain!; professional development – “Be ready to use the NBN when it reaches you. Add ‘Digital’ as a checkbox to all your planning and creativity.” ATF 2013 Online?

=> Developing New Ideas for Touring

Support new diverse touring models (e.g. through PATA); Review funding processes to improve harmony and flexibility; encourage deeper and earlier engagement – residencies, advance tours, etc; sharing resources with communities (e.g. not freighting); rethink why we tour.

=> Arts Action – politics + money

In the new National Cultural Policy, call for: policy to include improved arts stats by ABS, cultural citizenship and values, the value of art in and of itself, real inclusivity, role of professional arts practice, $30 million playing the world fund, more artists and arts managers on Government boards, Bipartisan promotion of Cultural Policy.

=> Strengthening Partnerships and Networking

Develop a digital tool to share resources and information, to reactivate national community, to make personnel exchanges and unusual connections, to highlight case studies. Investigate a National Development Pool of funds for multi-partner collaborations, co-commissions and co-developments. Support an Australian Theatre Network.

=> Mixing it Up – Commitment to Diversity in Theatre

Develop a pledge that theatre community can adopt that commits to diversity; pilot “Inclusivity Officer” program at Australia Council; collate and promote case studies; resource and celebrate existing inclusive work.

=> Supporting Independent Practice

Investigate new building development percent-for-art legislation in each state and lobby for allocation to LIVE ARTS; audit current resources and existing models of the independent sector state by state – to feedback to existing lobby groups and funding bodies; aim to increase funding and resource sharing; a proposal from independent sector for an artist stipend in the National Cultural Policy.

=> Valuing Creativity and Imagination

News ways to encourage time and space for thinking; next ATF to include provocateurs from outside sector, and a full creative strand; venues to support unconditional residencies (no determined outcomes); more residencies and secondments in non-arts environments; house swaps; more time for Artistic Directors to meet and talk.


Images of the 2011 Australian Theatre Forum courtesy of Sean Young. (See all of the 2011 Forum’s fabulous faces here.)